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AviatsiyaHalychyny size guide

AviatsiyaHalychyny (Aviatsiya Halychyny) Size charts
Category(gender): Sweater(male)
Size chart management
Shoulders width41424346505358
Chest circ.45.547.551.555.561.565.573.5
Arm length (from shoulder)69696970717172
Product length70707376798186
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Category(gender): Polo shirts(female)
Size chart management
Shoulders width3738414344
Chest circ.84 - 8687 - 9091 - 102103 - 110111 - 115
Waist68 - 7576 - 7979 - 9192 - 99100 - 104
Hips80 - 8485 - 8889 - 100101 - 108109 - 114
Category(gender): Blouses and shirts(male); Hoodies(male); Sweatshirts(male)
Size chart management
Shoulders width39434449505255
Chest circ.88 - 9091 - 9899 - 108109 - 121122 - 132133 - 140141 - 150
Lower waist (Belt)80 - 8687 - 9495 - 105106 - 119120 - 126127 - 142143 - 150
Hips83 - 8687 - 9798 - 108109 - 121122 - 129130 - 145146 - 155
Arm length (from shoulder)59646669696971
Category(gender): Polo shirts(male)
Size chart management
Shoulders width38404247515357
Chest circ.84 - 8687 - 9394 - 102103 - 114115 - 128129 - 135136 - 149
Hips80 - 8384 - 9091 - 100101 - 110111 - 122123 - 130131 - 147
Category(gender): Polo shirts(unisex)
Size chart management
Shoulders width38404247515357
Chest circ.84 - 8687 - 9394 - 102103 - 114115 - 128129 - 135136 - 149
Hips80 - 8384 - 9091 - 100101 - 110111 - 122123 - 130131 - 147
Category(gender): Sweatshirts(female)
Size chart management
Shoulders width38384144
Chest circ.80 - 8485 - 9293 - 102103 - 114
Waist68 - 7273 - 8485 - 9293 - 108
Hips80 - 8687 - 9596 - 107108 - 116
Category(gender): T-shirts(unisex)
Size chart management
Shoulders width41414245495257
Chest circ.45475155616573
Product length66666973768084
Category(gender): Vests(male, female)
Size chart management
Shoulders width39434449505255
Chest circ.88 - 9092 - 9496 - 104108 - 116120 - 128130 - 142146 - 150
Hips90 - 9294 - 9698 - 106110 - 120124 - 132140 - 152156
Category(gender): Blouses and shirts(female)
Size chart management
Shoulders width4345474950
Chest circ.76 - 8081 - 8788 - 9596 - 103104 - 110
Hips86 - 9091 - 9697 - 103104 - 106107 - 116
Arm length (from shoulder)5658626568
Category(gender): Shorts(male)
Size chart management
Lower waist (Belt)42454850
Product length53535456