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Hanes size guide

Hanes Size charts
Category(gender): Classic bras(female); Sports bra(female)
Size chart management
Chest circ.81 - 8586 - 9091 - 9596 - 102103 - 112113 - 122123 - 132137 - 142
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Category(gender): Classic briefs(female)
Size chart management
Hips92 - 9497 - 99102 - 104107 - 109112 - 114117 - 119
Category(gender): Classic briefs(female)
Size chart management
Collection: Plus size
Waist96 - 101104 - 106111 - 116122 - 127132 - 139144 - 149
Hips114 - 119121 - 124129 - 134139 - 144149 - 154160 - 165
Category(gender): Tights(female)
Size chart management
Height147 - 170163 - 183150 - 170163 - 183147 - 168157 - 180160 - 180
Weight43 - 6454 - 7566 - 9568 - 9588 - 113100 - 122115 - 136
Category(gender): Classic briefs(male)
Size chart management
Waist70 - 7580 - 8590 - 95100 - 105110 - 115120 - 125130 - 135140 - 145
Category(gender): Classic briefs(girl)
Size chart management
Weight13 - 1515 - 1715 - 1719 - 2228 - 3132 - 3934 - 3945 - 5050 - 54
Category(gender): Classic briefs(boy)
Size chart management
Waist53 - 5555 - 5656 - 5858 - 6565 - 7171 - 7575 - 7979 - 83
Weight12 - 1414 - 1715 - 2020 - 3131 - 4345 - 5353 - 5858 - 64
Category(gender): Tops(girl); Tees(girl); Sports bra(girl)
Size chart management
Chest circ.525856 - 5862 - 6466 - 6973 - 76381
Weight13 - 1515 - 2015 - 2019 - 2424 - 3132 - 3945 - 54
Category(gender): Outerwear(female); Vests(female); T-shirts and tees(female); Blouses and shirts(female); Sweaters(female)
Size chart management
Chest circ.81 - 8586 - 9091 - 9596 - 102103 - 112113 - 122123 - 132137 - 142
Waist69 - 7172 - 7576 - 8081 - 8889 - 99103 - 110111 - 112127 - 133
Category(gender): Outerwear(male); Vests(male); T-shirts and tees(male); Blouses and shirts(male); Sweaters(male)
Size chart management
Chest circ.76 - 8586 - 9192 - 102103 - 112113 - 122123 - 132133 - 142143 - 153154 - 163164 - 173
Waist66 - 7576 - 8182 - 9192 - 102103 - 112113 - 122123 - 133134 - 145146 - 156157 - 168
Category(gender): Outerwear(baby ~ 3y); Suits(baby ~ 3y); T-shirts and tees(baby ~ 3y); Sweaters(baby ~ 3y); Dresses(baby ~ 3y); Pants(baby ~ 3y); Overalls(baby ~ 3y); Bodies(baby ~ 3y)
Size chart management
Height57 - 6060 - 6868 - 7373 - 7777 - 8383 - 90
Weight4.5 - 6.56.5 - 88 - 1010 - 1111 - 12.512.5 - 13.5
Category(gender): Outerwear(girl); Vests(girl); Blouses and shirts(girl); Sweaters(girl); T-shirts(girl)
Size chart management
Chest circ.56 - 5861 - 6366 - 68.572 - 7680 - 8590 - 95
Waist565860 - 6263.5 - 6671 - 7681 - 86
Category(gender): Outerwear(boy); Vests(boy); T-shirts and tees(boy); Blouses and shirts(boy); Sweaters(boy)
Size chart management
Chest circ.56 - 5861 - 6567 - 7072 - 7781 - 8590
Waist56 - 5758 - 6062 - 6567 - 7175 - 7983
Category(gender): Dresses(female)
Size chart management
Chest circ.81 - 8586 - 9091 - 9596 - 102103 - 112113 - 122123 - 132137 - 142
Waist69 - 7172 - 7576 - 8081 - 8889 - 99103 - 110111 - 112127 - 133
Hips90 - 9495 - 9899 - 103104 - 110111 - 121122 - 131132 - 141146 - 151
Category(gender): Skirts(female); Pants(female); Leggings(female); Shorts(female)
Size chart management
Waist69 - 7172 - 7576 - 8081 - 8889 - 99103 - 110111 - 112127 - 133
Hips90 - 9495 - 9899 - 103104 - 110111 - 121122 - 131132 - 141146 - 151
Category(gender): Skirts(girl); Pants(girl); Shorts(girl)
Size chart management
Waist565860 - 6263.5 - 6671 - 7681 - 86
Hips58 - 6163.5 - 6670 - 7276 - 8186 - 9197 - 101
Category(gender): Pants(male); Leggings(male); Shorts(male)
Size chart management
Waist66 - 7576 - 8182 - 9192 - 102103 - 112113 - 122123 - 133134 - 145146 - 156157 - 168
Hips79 - 8586 - 9192 - 102103 - 109110 - 117118 - 124125 - 135136 - 145146 - 155156 - 165
Category(gender): Pants(boy); Leggings(boy); Shorts(boy)
Size chart management
Waist56 - 5758 - 6062 - 6567 - 7175 - 7983
Hips58 - 6163.5 - 677177.5 - 8185 - 8993