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Hurley size guide

Hurley Size charts
Category(gender): Shoes(male)
Size chart management
Collection: WETSUIT
Foot length23.724.124.52525.425.826.226.727.127.527.928.328.829.229.630
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Category(gender): Pants(boy); Shorts(boy); Trunks(boy)
Size chart management
Waist54 - 5656 - 5858 - 5959 - 6060 - 6161 - 63.566 - 7072 - 7679 - 81
Hips56 - 5959 - 6161 - 6363 - 6666 - 707072 - 77.580 - 8587.5 - 91.5
Height96 - 104104 - 110110 - 116116 - 122122 - 128128 - 132132 - 147147 - 163163 - 175
Age3 - 44 - 55 - 66 - 77 - 8810 - 1214 - 1618 - 20
Category(gender): Shoes(children)
Size chart management
Foot length19.519.920.320.721.221.62222.422.923.323.724.124.5
Category(gender): Swimwear(girl); Trunks(girl)
Size chart management
Waist58 - 6161 - 6464 - 6969 - 7474 - 76
Hips68.5 - 7171 - 74.574.5 - 79.579.5 - 84.584.5 - 89.5
Height122 - 128128 - 137137 - 147147 - 158158 - 170
Category(gender): Trunks(female)
Size chart management
Waist56 - 6163.5 - 68.568.5 - 73.576 - 8181 - 8686 - 91.5
Hips86 - 8991 - 9496 - 99101 - 104103 - 107111 - 114
Category(gender): Pants(male); Shorts(male); Trunks(male)
Size chart management
Waist69 - 7171 - 7474 - 7676 - 7979 - 8181 - 8484 - 8686 - 9292 - 9797 - 102102 - 107107 - 112
Hips88 - 9090 - 9393 - 9595 - 9898 - 100100 - 103103 - 106106 - 111111 - 116116 - 121121 - 126126 - 131
Category(gender): Shoes(female)
Size chart management
Foot length2222.422.923.323.724.124.52525.425.826.226.727.127.527.9
Category(gender): Shoes(male)
Size chart management
Foot length23.724.124.52525.425.826.226.727.127.527.928.328.829.229.63030.531.332.23333.9
Category(gender): Swimsuit top(female)
Size chart management
Chest circ.81 - 8486 - 8991 - 9496 - 99101 - 104103 - 107
Under bust66 - 68.571 - 73.576 - 78.584 - 86.586.5 - 8991.5 - 94
Category(gender): Outerwear(female); Dresses(female); Overalls(female); Bodies(female); Swimwear(female)
Size chart management
Chest circ.77 - 8484 - 8989 - 9494 - 9999 - 104
Waist57 - 6464 - 6969 - 7474 - 7979 - 84
Hips84 - 8888 - 9393 - 9898 - 103103 - 108
Category(gender): Outerwear(male); T-shirts and tees(male); Blouses and shirts(male); Sweaters(male)
Size chart management
Chest circ.86 - 9292 - 9797 - 102102 - 107107 - 114114 - 122
Waist69 - 7474 - 7979 - 8484 - 9292 - 102102 - 112
Category(gender): Suits(baby ~ 3y); Overalls(baby ~ 3y); Bodies(baby ~ 3y)
Size chart management
Chest circ.41 - 4343 - 4545 - 4747 - 4848 - 5050 - 5252 - 53
Waist42 - 4545 - 4747 - 4848 - 5050 - 5252 - 5454
Hips42 - 4545 - 4747 - 4848 - 5050 - 5252 - 5454 - 56
Height60 - 6565 - 7070 - 7575 - 8080 - 8585 - 9090 - 96
Category(gender): T-shirts and tees(girl); Blouses and shirts(girl); Sweaters(girl)
Size chart management
Chest circ.53 - 5656 - 5959 - 6162 - 6363 - 666668.5 - 7276 - 8084
Height96 - 104104 - 110110 - 116116 - 122122 - 128122 - 128128 - 140140 - 155155 - 159
Age3 - 44 - 55 - 66 - 77 - 88 - 910 - 1112 - 1314 - 15
Category(gender): T-shirts and tees(boy); Blouses and shirts(boy); Sweaters(boy)
Size chart management
Chest circ.53 - 5656 - 5959 - 6162 - 6363 - 6666 - 6971 - 7577 - 8184 - 89
Height96 - 104104 - 110110 - 116116 - 122122 - 128128 - 132132 - 147147 - 163163 - 175
Age3 - 44 - 55 - 66 - 77 - 88 - 910 - 1112 - 1314 - 15
Category(gender): T-shirts and tees(female); Blouses and shirts(female); Sweaters(female)
Size chart management
Chest circ.77 - 8484 - 8989 - 9494 - 9999 - 104
Waist57 - 6464 - 6969 - 7474 - 7979 - 84
Category(gender): Skirts(girl); Pants(girl); Shorts(girl)
Size chart management
Waist54 - 5656 - 5858 - 5959 - 6060 - 6158.561 - 63.566 - 7173.5 - 76
Hips56 - 5959 - 6161 - 6363 - 6666 - 707072 - 7679 - 8689 - 91.5
Height96 - 104104 - 110110 - 116116 - 122122 - 128122 - 128128 - 140140 - 155155 - 159
Category(gender): Skirts(female); Leggings(female); Shorts(female)
Size chart management
Waist57 - 6363 - 6868 - 7474 - 7979 - 84
Hips82.5 - 87.587.5 - 92.592.5 - 97.597.5 - 102.5102.5 - 108
Category(gender): Pants(male); Shorts(male)
Size chart management
Collection: BIGG, TALL
International2X / 2XLT3X / 3XLT4X / 4XLT5X / 5XLT
Lower waist (Belt)109 - 117122 - 127132 - 137142 - 147
Hips121 - 128104 - 136137 - 145147 - 155
Category(gender): Pants(female)
Size chart management
Waist59.5 - 6161.5 - 63.564 - 6667 - 68.569.5 - 7172 - 73.574.5 - 7677 - 79
Hips83.5 - 8586 - 87.588.5 - 9091 - 92.594 - 95.596.5 - 9899 - 100.5101.5 - 103
Category(gender): Swimwear(female)
Size chart management
Chest circ.81 - 8486 - 8991 - 9496 - 99101 - 104103 - 107
Under bust66 - 68.571 - 73.576 - 78.584 - 86.586.5 - 8991.5 - 94
Waist56 - 6163.5 - 68.568.5 - 73.576 - 8181 - 8686 - 91.5
Hips86 - 8991 - 9496 - 99101 - 104103 - 107111 - 114
Category(gender): Hats(male, female)
Size chart management
Head circ.55 - 5957 - 61
Category(gender): Gloves(male)
Size chart management
Collection: WETSUIT
Palm circ.20.421.422.423.4
Category(gender): Wetsuits(children)
Size chart management
Chest circ.56 - 6161 - 6666 - 7171 - 7674 - 7979 - 8484 - 89
Waist46 - 5151 - 5656 - 6161 - 6664 - 6966 - 7169 - 74
Height116 - 124124 - 132132 - 140140 - 147147 - 155155 - 163163 - 170
Weight15 - 2121 - 2727 - 3434 - 4141 - 4848 - 5454 - 61
Category(gender): Wetsuits(female)
Size chart management
Height152 - 160157 - 165165 - 173170 - 175173 - 178175 - 180
Weight43 - 5248 - 5752 - 6157 - 6661 - 7066 - 77
Category(gender): Wetsuits(male)
Size chart management
Height163 - 168170 - 173173 - 183168 - 173173 - 178183 - 191168 - 175178 - 183188 - 193173 - 178178 - 188185 - 191
Weight52 - 6161 - 6866 - 7366 - 7568 - 7775 - 8275 - 8479 - 8684 - 9191 - 10086 - 9895 - 104