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O'Neill size guide

O'Neill Size charts
Category(gender): Trunks(female)
Size chart management
Waist62 - 6666 - 7070 - 7474 - 7878 - 8282 - 86
Hips88 - 9292 - 9696 - 100100 - 104104 - 108108 - 112
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Category(gender): Shoes(female)
Size chart management
Insole length2424.725.42626.727.428
Category(gender): Shoes(male)
Size chart management
Insole length2626.727.42828.729.43030.731.4
Category(gender): Pants(boy); Shorts(boy); Trunks(boy)
Size chart management
Chest circ.545556586266727884
Lower waist (Belt)495051535659646974
Age1.5 - 22 - 33 - 45 - 67 - 89 - 1011 - 1213 - 1414 - 15
Category(gender): Shoes(children)
Size chart management
Insole length2020.721.42222.723.42424.725.426
Category(gender): Outerwear(female); T-shirts and tees(female); Sweaters(female); Dresses(female); Overalls(female)
Size chart management
Chest circ.80 - 8485 - 8990 - 9495 - 99100 - 104
Waist60 - 6465 - 6970 - 7475 - 7980 - 84
Category(gender): Swimsuit top(female)
Size chart management
Chest circ.79 - 8379 - 8181 - 8383 - 8584 - 8884 - 8686 - 8888 - 9090 - 9289 - 9389 - 9191 - 9393 - 9595 - 9794 - 9894 - 9696 - 9898 - 100100 - 10299 - 10399 - 101101 - 103103 - 105105 - 107104 - 108104 - 106106 - 108108 - 110110 - 112
Under bust63 - 6763 - 6763 - 6763 - 6768 - 7268 - 7268 - 7268 - 7268 - 7273 - 7773 - 7773 - 7773 - 7773 - 7778 - 8278 - 8278 - 8278 - 8278 - 8283 - 8783 - 8783 - 8783 - 8783 - 8788 - 9288 - 9288 - 9288 - 9288 - 92
Category(gender): Outerwear(male); T-shirts and tees(male); Blouses and shirts(male); Sweaters(male)
Size chart management
Chest circ.87 - 9293 - 9798 - 102103 - 107108 - 114115 - 122
Waist72 - 7778 - 8283 - 8788 - 9394 - 99100 - 107
Category(gender): Outerwear(boy); T-shirts and tees(boy); Blouses and shirts(boy); Sweaters(boy)
Size chart management
Chest circ.545556586266727884
Age1.5 - 22 - 33 - 45 - 67 - 89 - 1011 - 1213 - 1414 - 15
Category(gender): Outerwear(girl); T-shirts and tees(girl); Blouses and shirts(girl); Sweaters(girl)
Size chart management
Chest circ.525456606470768288
Age1.5 - 22 - 33 - 45 - 67 - 89 - 1011 - 1213 - 1414 - 15
Category(gender): Vests(female)
Size chart management
Chest circ.77 - 8380 - 8583 - 8886 - 9190 - 95
Weight45 - 5250 - 5754 - 6159 - 6864 - 73
Category(gender): Vests(male)
Size chart management
Chest circ.93 - 9595 - 9999 - 104104 - 110110 - 117117 - 123123 - 130
Weight57 - 6461 - 7070 - 7777 - 8686 - 9595 - 104104 - 113
Category(gender): Vests(children)
Size chart management
Chest circ.66 - 7171 - 7674 - 7979 - 8484 - 89
Weight27 - 3434 - 4141 - 4848 - 54.554.5 - 61
Category(gender): T-shirts and tees(female); Sweaters(female)
Size chart management
Collection: skins & UV protection, skins & UV protection
Chest circ.77 - 8380 - 8583 - 8886 - 9190 - 9594 - 9998 - 103
Waist64 - 6966 - 7169 - 7474 - 7777 - 8179 - 8585 - 89
Height160 - 165163 - 168165 - 170168 - 173170 - 175173 - 178175 - 180
Weight45 - 5250 - 5754 - 6159 - 6864 - 7368 - 7775 - 84
Category(gender): T-shirts and tees(male); Sweaters(male)
Size chart management
Collection: skins & UV protection, skins & UV protection
Chest circ.90 - 9393 - 9595 - 9999 - 104104 - 110110 - 117117 - 123123 - 130
Waist70 - 7272 - 7575 - 7979 - 8484 - 8989 - 9494 - 9999 - 112
Height168 - 173170 - 175173 - 178175 - 180178 - 183180 - 185183 - 188183 - 191
Weight52 - 5957 - 6461 - 7070 - 7777 - 8686 - 9595 - 104104 - 113
Category(gender): T-shirts and tees(children); Sweaters(children)
Size chart management
Collection: skins & UV protection, skins & UV protection
Chest circ.43464848 - 5351 - 5653 - 5858 - 6462 - 6766 - 7171 - 7674 - 7979 - 8484 - 89
Waist42 - 44.544.5 - 4747 - 49.545.5 - 5148 - 5351 - 5651 - 5655 - 6058 - 6458 - 6464 - 6969 - 7471 - 76
Height58 - 68.568.5 - 73.573.5 - 7988 - 9898 - 108108 - 118118 - 126126 - 133133 - 141141 - 147147 - 155155 - 163163 - 170
Weight5 - 7.57.5 - 1010 - 1211 - 13.513.5 - 1616 - 1818 - 2522.5 - 29.527 - 3434 - 4141 - 4848 - 54.554.5 - 61
Category(gender): Dresses(girl); Overalls(girl); Swimwear(girl)
Size chart management
Chest circ.525456606470768288
Age1.5 - 22 - 33 - 45 - 67 - 89 - 1011 - 1213 - 1414 - 15
Category(gender): Skirts(girl); Pants(girl); Shorts(girl)
Size chart management
Age1.5 - 22 - 33 - 45 - 67 - 89 - 1011 - 1213 - 1414 - 15
Category(gender): Jeans(female); Pants(female); Shorts(female)
Size chart management
Waist60 - 6465 - 6970 - 7475 - 7980 - 84
Hips86 - 9091 - 9596 - 100101 - 105106 - 110
Category(gender): Pants(male); Shorts(male); Swimwear(male)
Size chart management
Waist72 - 7778 - 8283 - 8788 - 9394 - 99100 - 105
Hips87 - 9192 - 9697 - 101102 - 106107 - 112113 - 118
Category(gender): Swimwear(female)
Size chart management
Chest circ.79 - 8379 - 8181 - 8383 - 8584 - 8884 - 8686 - 8888 - 9090 - 9289 - 9389 - 9191 - 9393 - 9595 - 9794 - 9894 - 9696 - 9898 - 100100 - 10299 - 10399 - 101101 - 103103 - 105105 - 107104 - 108104 - 106106 - 108108 - 110110 - 112
Under bust63 - 6763 - 6763 - 6763 - 6768 - 7268 - 7268 - 7268 - 7268 - 7273 - 7773 - 7773 - 7773 - 7773 - 7778 - 8278 - 8278 - 8278 - 8278 - 8283 - 8783 - 8783 - 8783 - 8783 - 8788 - 9288 - 9288 - 9288 - 9288 - 92
Waist62 - 6662 - 6662 - 6662 - 6666 - 7066 - 7066 - 7066 - 7066 - 7070 - 7470 - 7470 - 7470 - 7470 - 7474 - 7874 - 7874 - 7874 - 7874 - 7878 - 8278 - 8278 - 8278 - 8278 - 8282 - 8682 - 8682 - 8682 - 8682 - 86
Hips88 - 9288 - 9288 - 9288 - 9292 - 9692 - 9692 - 9692 - 9692 - 9696 - 10096 - 10096 - 10096 - 10096 - 100100 - 104100 - 104100 - 104100 - 104100 - 104104 - 108104 - 108104 - 108104 - 108104 - 108108 - 112108 - 112108 - 112108 - 112108 - 112
Category(gender): Hats(male, female)
Size chart management
Head circ.48 - 5351 - 5653 - 5856 - 6158 - 6461 - 66
Neck circ.36 - 3837 - 3938 - 4139 - 4241 - 4342 - 44
Category(gender): Hats(children)
Size chart management
Head circ.55 - 5857 - 59.557.5 - 6058 - 61
Neck circ.31.5 - 3433 - 35.534 - 3735.5 - 38
Category(gender): Gloves(male)
Size chart management
Palm circ.16.5 - 17.817.8 - 19.119.1 - 20.320.3 - 21.621.6 - 22.922.9 - 24.124.1 - 25.4
Hand length15.2 - 16.516.5 - 17.817.8 - 19.119.1 - 20.320.3 - 21.621.6 - 22.922.9 - 24.1
Category(gender): Gloves(children)
Size chart management
Palm circ.15.2 - 16.515.9 - 17.116.5 - 17.817.1 - 18.4
Hand length14.6 - 15.915.2 - 16.515.9 - 17.116.5 - 17.8
Category(gender): Wetsuits(female)
Size chart management
Chest circ.76 - 8177 - 8380 - 8580 - 8580 - 8583 - 8883 - 8883 - 8886 - 9186 - 9186 - 9190 - 9594 - 9998 - 103
Waist62 - 6764 - 6966 - 7166 - 7166 - 7169 - 7469 - 7469 - 7474 - 7774 - 7774 - 7777 - 8179 - 8585 - 89
Height155 - 160160 - 165159 - 164163 - 168166 - 171161 - 166165 - 170169 - 174164 - 169168 - 173171 - 177170 - 175173 - 178175 - 180
Weight41 - 4845 - 5248 - 5450 - 5752 - 5952 - 5954 - 6157 - 6457 - 6659 - 6861 - 7064 - 7368 - 7775 - 84
Category(gender): Wetsuits(male)
Size chart management
Chest circ.90 - 9393 - 9595 - 9995 - 9995 - 9999 - 10499 - 10499 - 104104 - 110104 - 110104 - 110110 - 117110 - 117110 - 117117 - 123123 - 130130 - 136
Waist70 - 7272 - 7575 - 7975 - 7975 - 7979 - 8479 - 8479 - 8484 - 8984 - 8984 - 8989 - 9489 - 9489 - 9494 - 9999 - 112112 - 122
Height168 - 173170 - 175166 - 171173 - 178183 - 188169 - 174175 - 180185 - 191171 - 177178 - 183188 - 193174 - 179180 - 185191 - 196183 - 188183 - 191185 - 193
Weight52 - 5957 - 6459 - 6861 - 7066 - 7566 - 7570 - 7773 - 8273 - 8277 - 8682 - 9182 - 9186 - 9591 - 10095 - 104104 - 113113 - 122
Category(gender): Wetsuits(children)
Size chart management
Chest circ.48 - 5351 - 5653 - 5858 - 6462 - 6766 - 7171 - 7674 - 7979 - 8484 - 89
Waist45.5 - 5148 - 5351 - 5651 - 5655 - 6058 - 6458 - 6464 - 6969 - 7471 - 76
Height88 - 9898 - 108108 - 118118 - 126126 - 133133 - 141141 - 147147 - 155155 - 163163 - 170
Weight11 - 13.513.5 - 1616 - 1818 - 2522.5 - 29.527 - 3434 - 4141 - 4848 - 54.554.5 - 61