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ULTIMATUM size guide

ULTIMATUM Size charts
Category(gender): Shoes(male)
Size chart management
Collection: CONDOR
Insole length26.52727.52828.5
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Category(gender): Polo shirts(male)
Size chart management
Collection: Поло, поло тактичне
Shoulders width4042444648505254
Chest circ.4850525456586062
Product length6565656868687070
Height165 - 180165 - 180165 - 180170 - 185170 - 185170 - 185175 - 190175 - 190
Weight55 - 6565 - 7570 - 8075 - 8585 - 9590 - 10095 - 105100 - 110
Category(gender): Shoes(male)
Size chart management
Collection: Desert
Insole length25.5262727.528.529
Category(gender): Shoes(male)
Size chart management
Collection: Tracking Force
Insole length26.52727.52828.529.530.5
Category(gender): Shoes(male)
Size chart management
Collection: Striker
Insole length25.526.52727.5282929.5
Category(gender): Shoes(male)
Size chart management
Collection: Thunder
Insole length25.526.5272828.529
Category(gender): Suits(male)
Size chart management
Collection: EXTREME
Shoulders width56565657575959606161
Chest circ.63646667687071747474
Lower waist (Belt)52535355565760616266
Arm length (from shoulder)68686869696970707070
Leg length (from belt)103105108109109111111111112112
Height165 - 180165 - 180165 - 180170 - 185170 - 185170 - 185175 - 190175 - 190175 - 190175 - 190
Weight50 - 6055 - 6565 - 7575 - 8580 - 9090 - 10095 - 105100 - 110105 - 115115 - 125
Category(gender): Suits(male)
Size chart management
Collection: тактичний PRO G3 ( убокс )
Chest circ.5053566062
Lower waist (Belt)4243454850
Inner arm length5556565657
Leg length (from belt)103105108109111
Height165 - 180165 - 180170 - 185170 - 185170 - 185
Weight65 - 7575 - 8585 - 9595 - 105100 - 105
Category(gender): Suits(male)
Size chart management
Collection: SCOUT
Shoulders width44464850515252545556
Chest circ.55585961626465697274
Lower waist (Belt)42434445474950515356
Arm length (from shoulder)64646567686870707171
Leg length (from belt)100102103105106109111113114114
Height160 - 175160 - 175165 - 180165 - 180170 - 185170 - 185170 - 185175 - 190175 - 190175 - 190
Weight55 - 6565 - 7575 - 8580 - 9090 - 10095 - 105100 - 110105 - 115110 - 120115 - 125
Category(gender): Suits(male)
Size chart management
Collection: Горка фліс
Shoulders width5050505152535455
Chest circ.5658606264666870
Lower waist (Belt)4546474850535455
Arm length (from shoulder)6768686870707070
Leg length (from belt)112113114114115115115115
Height160 - 175165 - 180165 - 180170 - 185170 - 185170 - 185175 - 190175 - 190
Weight65 - 7570 - 8075 - 8585 - 9590 - 10095 - 105100 - 110105 - 115
Category(gender): Suits(male)
Size chart management
Collection: Горка
Shoulders width50505051525354
Chest circ.56586062646668
Lower waist (Belt)46485052545658
Arm length (from shoulder)67686868707070
Leg length (from belt)113114114115115115115
Height165 - 180165 - 180170 - 185170 - 185170 - 185175 - 190175 - 190
Weight65 - 7575 - 8580 - 9090 - 10095 - 105100 - 110105 - 115
Category(gender): Suits(male)
Size chart management
Collection: NORD
Shoulders width485052545658
Chest circ.626466687072
Lower waist (Belt)424450525460
Arm length (from shoulder)666767676868
Leg length (from belt)110110110112112112
Height165 - 180170 - 185170 - 185170 - 185175 - 190175 - 190
Weight70 - 8075 - 8585 - 9590 - 10095 - 105100 - 110
Category(gender): Jackets(male)
Size chart management
Collection: на стьобаній підкладці
Shoulders width505051525354555657
Chest circ.586060626466697072
Arm length (from shoulder)686969707070707070
Product length787979797980808181
Height160 - 175165 - 180165 - 180170 - 185170 - 185170 - 185175 - 190175 - 190175 - 190
Weight65 - 7575 - 8580 - 9090 - 10095 - 105100 - 110105 - 115110 - 120115 - 125
Category(gender): Jackets(male)
Size chart management
Collection: на стьобаній підкладці SOFT SHELL
Shoulders width5050505152535455
Chest circ.5658606162646768
Arm length (from shoulder)6768707070717171
Product length8080808181818181
Height160 - 175165 - 180165 - 180170 - 185170 - 185170 - 185175 - 190175 - 190
Weight65 - 7570 - 8075 - 8585 - 9590 - 10095 - 105100 - 110105 - 115
Category(gender): Jackets(male)
Size chart management
Collection: SANTA G-LOFT
Shoulders width434445464748
Chest circ.565860626466
Arm length (from shoulder)707070707070
Product length686868686868
Height165 - 180165 - 180170 - 185170 - 185170 - 185175 - 190
Weight65 - 7575 - 8580 - 9090 - 10095 - 100100 - 105
Category(gender): Jackets(male)
Size chart management
Collection: куртка-бомбер
Shoulders width434445464748
Chest circ.565860626466
Arm length (from shoulder)707070707070
Product length686868686868
Height165 - 180165 - 180170 - 185170 - 185170 - 185175 - 190
Weight65 - 7575 - 8580 - 9090 - 10095 - 105105 - 115
Category(gender): Jackets(male)
Size chart management
Collection: OMNI HEAT
Chest circ.58606265687072
Arm length (from shoulder)65696969717171
Product length75757677808081
Height165 - 180165 - 180170 - 185170 - 185170 - 185175 - 190175 - 190
Weight70 - 8075 - 8585 - 9590 - 10095 - 105100 - 110105 - 115
Category(gender): Jackets(male)
Size chart management
Collection: RANGER
Shoulders width5050505152535455
Chest circ.5658606264666870
Arm length (from shoulder)6768686870707070
Product length7777787980808081
Height160 - 175165 - 180165 - 180170 - 185170 - 185170 - 185175 - 190175 - 190
Weight55 - 6565 - 7575 - 8580 - 9090 - 10095 - 105100 - 110105 - 115
Category(gender): Jackets(male)
Size chart management
Collection: Gryphon
Shoulders width505253555658
Chest circ.525355565860
Arm length (from shoulder)586062646670
Product length586062646670
Height160 - 170165 - 175170 - 180170 - 185170 - 185170 - 185
Weight55 - 6565 - 7575 - 8885 - 9595 - 100100 - 105
Category(gender): Jackets(male)
Size chart management
Collection: PATROL
Shoulders width485052545658
Chest circ.565864667072
Arm length (from shoulder)666767676970
Product length737375757575
Height160 - 175165 - 180170 - 185170 - 185175 - 190175 - 190
Weight55 - 6560 - 7570 - 8585 - 10095 - 105100 - 110
Category(gender): T-shirts(male)
Size chart management
Collection: УБАКС
Shoulders width4648505254
Chest circ.4446485052
Product length6365696970
Height165 - 180165 - 180165 - 180170 - 185170 - 185
Weight55 - 6565 - 7575 - 8585 - 9595 - 100
Category(gender): Blouses and shirts(male)
Size chart management
Collection: убокс PRO G2
Chest circ.485052545860
Arm length (from neck)737575787980
Product length697073747980
Height165 - 180165 - 180165 - 180170 - 185170 - 185170 - 185
Weight55 - 6565 - 7575 - 8585 - 9595 - 105100 - 105
Category(gender): Sweaters(male)
Size chart management
Collection: УБАКС короткий рукав
Shoulders width4648505254
Chest circ.5053565860
Arm length (from shoulder)6365676872
Product length7174777880
Height165 - 180165 - 180165 - 180170 - 185170 - 185
Weight65 - 7575 - 8585 - 9595 - 100100 - 105
Category(gender): Sweaters(male)
Size chart management
Collection: DELTA
Shoulders width4850525252565656
Chest circ.5757596162.5676770
Arm length (from shoulder)7070707070707072
Height165 - 180165 - 180165 - 180170 - 185170 - 185170 - 185175 - 190175 - 190
Weight55 - 6565 - 7575 - 8580 - 9090 - 10095 - 105100 - 105100 - 110
Category(gender): Pants(male)
Size chart management
Collection: AGGRESSOR
Lower waist (Belt)808284869296100
Leg length (from belt)102103105105105106107
Height165 - 180165 - 180165 - 180170 - 185170 - 185170 - 185170 - 190
Weight55 - 6565 - 7570 - 8075 - 8585 - 9590 - 10095 - 105
Category(gender): Pants(male)
Size chart management
Collection: Горка
Lower waist (Belt)42464848505354
Leg length (from belt)112112114114114114114
Height165 - 180165 - 180170 - 185170 - 185170 - 185175 - 190175 - 190
Weight65 - 7570 - 8075 - 8585 - 9590 - 10095 - 105100 - 110
Category(gender): Pants(male)
Size chart management
Collection: з наколінниками COMMANDER
Lower waist (Belt)42444648505455
Leg length (from belt)105105108110113118119
Height160 - 175160 - 175165 - 180165 - 180170 - 185175 - 190175 - 190
Weight60 - 7070 - 8070 - 9090 - 100100 - 110110 - 115115 - 120
Category(gender): Pants(male)
Size chart management
Lower waist (Belt)384042444648505254
Leg length (from belt)104104104106106108108110110
Height160 - 175165 - 180165 - 180165 - 180170 - 185170 - 185170 - 185175 - 190175 - 190
Weight50 - 6055 - 6565 - 7570 - 8075 - 8585 - 9590 - 10095 - 105100 - 110
Category(gender): Pants(male)
Size chart management
Collection: Winter
Lower waist (Belt)4042444648505254
Leg length (from belt)104104106106108108110110
Height165 - 180165 - 180165 - 180170 - 185170 - 185170 - 185175 - 190175 - 190
Weight55 - 6565 - 7570 - 8075 - 8585 - 9590 - 10095 - 105100 - 110
Category(gender): Pants(male)
Size chart management
Collection: Summer
Lower waist (Belt)4042444648505254
Leg length (from belt)106106106108108108110110
Height165 - 180165 - 180165 - 180170 - 185170 - 185170 - 185175 - 190175 - 190
Weight55 - 6565 - 7570 - 8075 - 8585 - 9590 - 10095 - 105100 - 110
Category(gender): Pants(male)
Size chart management
Collection: soft shell штормові
Lower waist (Belt)4042444648505254
Leg length (from belt)102104104106106108110112
Height165 - 180165 - 180165 - 180170 - 185170 - 185170 - 185175 - 190175 - 190
Weight55 - 6565 - 7570 - 8075 - 8585 - 9590 - 10095 - 105100 - 110
Category(gender): Pants(male)
Size chart management
Collection: Gryphon
Lower waist (Belt)444648505254
Leg length (from belt)102105105107110110
Height165 - 180165 - 180165 - 180170 - 185170 - 185170 - 185
Weight55 - 6565 - 7570 - 8075 - 8585 - 9590 - 100
Category(gender): Underwear sets(male)
Size chart management
Collection: Термобілизна POWER
Chest circ.92 - 9898 - 106106 - 115115 - 120120 - 126126 - 136
Hips88 - 9494 - 101101 - 108108 - 114114 - 120120 - 128
Height145 - 170160 - 175170 - 185175 - 185180 - 190180 - 195
Weight50 - 6565 - 8080 - 9595 - 105105 - 115115 - 125
Category(gender): Underwear sets(male)
Size chart management
Collection: Термобілизна компресійна, Термобілизна CAMO
Height145 - 165160 - 175170 - 185175 - 185180 - 190180 - 195
Weight40 - 6065 - 7575 - 8585 - 9090 - 105105 - 120
Category(gender): Underwear sets(male)
Size chart management
Collection: Термобілизна STANDARD
Chest circ.84 - 9090 - 9696 - 100100 - 106106 - 112112 - 118118 - 124
Waist80 - 8484 - 8888 - 9292 - 9696 - 100100 - 104104 - 108
Hips88 - 9292 - 9696 - 100100 - 104104 - 108108 - 112112 - 116
Height145 - 165160 - 175170 - 185175 - 185180 - 190180 - 195180 - 195
Weight40 - 6065 - 7575 - 8585 - 9090 - 105105 - 120115 - 125